Career prediction by date of birth

Professions best suited for Aquarians | Professions best suited for Aries | Professions best suited for Cancerians | Professions best suited for Capricorn | Professions best suited for Geminians | Professions best suited for Leo | Professions best suited for Librans | Professions best suited for Pisceans | Professions best suited for Sagittarians | Professions best suited for Scorpios | Professions best suited for Virgoans | Professions best suited from Taurus | Sun signs education and career

A person will have the profession as indicated by strongest sign in the horoscope. A sign which has the support of its lord or is poisted/ aspected by benefic/ exalted planet is strong. The most powerful and dominant planet in a horoscope has often a say in deciding one’s career, especially when he is the lord of the ascendant or lagna.

Planets give excellent indications of success and failures in the various professions. If children are guided properly and are given liberty to act according to their likes and aptitudes, they can build a bright future for themselves. Manytimes education is wasted because millions of people pursue wrong vocations. In 21st century every skill is part and parcel of money generating scheme and have acquired their firm places in any profession. Astrology can help one evaluate the prospective of a child and can have a reasonable idea of the field in which this has best chance to develop.

This section divides professions according to the birth signs. However proper conclusion can only be met when ones hoprscope is analysed properly from career perspective

Professions best suited for Aquarians | Professions best suited for Aries | Professions best suited for Cancerians | Professions best suited for Capricorn | Professions best suited for Geminians | Professions best suited for Leo | Professions best suited for Librans | Professions best suited for Pisceans | Professions best suited for Sagittarians | Professions best suited for Scorpios | Professions best suited for Virgoans | Professions best suited from Taurus | Sun signs education and career